Breathwork & Art-full living

We make our offerings to the world with bold, confident love and healing intentions. ~Michael and Theresa O'Connor

360-472-0638 text or email: familia@withinbreathandart.com

What does a breathwork session look like and what do I need to attend?

What you will need:

  • Please bring a yoga mat. (we can loan if you don't have one)

  • Wear comfy clothes.

  • Pillow and blanket suggested. Temp can be hard to regulate, and it can fluctuate while doing breathwork.

  • Bring water and light snack for after.

  • Bring a notebook/journal for processing after journey. (Or you can purchase one from us if you like)

    What to expect:

  • Within Breathwork can be done one on one or as a group.

  • Give yourself at least a 2-hour window per session/event. 60 minutes of Breath Journey and 30-40 minutes for sharing/questions/processing time, broken up before and after. You'll want to take it easy afterwards so plenty of time is a good idea!

  • We remain present the entire time, holding space for you.

  • We facilitate with love, working through anything that arises.

  • Movement can be helpful during the journey so feel free to move your body i.e., sit up, lie down, stretch out, hands and knees are great, but no standing up or walking around during the session please. The yoga mat is not only your magic carpet but also your boundary lines:)

  • Sometimes we are hands on if we feel you would benefit (with permission of course) This is usually a light touch to encourage any stuck energy that may need help moving or just to let you know we are here. Sometimes a gentle rocking/tapping and we will go over this in person at the beginning or email us for more details.

  • We provide music specifically arranged for the journey.

  • We provide washable, wearable eye covers to help you feel relaxed and uninhibited by distractions, lights, etc.

    We are so excited to be having these experiences with you and look forward to what the future holds for us all!

Breathwork is the practice of using conscious deep breathing for a specific amount of time to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

In the web of life everything and everyone is connected in an energetic quantum field. Much like mycelium connecting all of the trees in the forest or like the web of the internet, we too are connected and capable of transmitting light, sound, and frequencies. This means that our thoughts and intentions DO matter as well as our actions! We, as individuals, and as a community, absolutely CAN and DO affect those around us with our positively charged vibrations. Yes, we are capable of so much more than we know. As we engage in self-love and honorable ways of living, we become radiant light bringers! Our inner light transmits to others in the field who may not know how to access their inner light yet or maybe it was snuffed out by hard times and they just need a hand remembering how to reignite it. We can do this with something like conscious breathwork, which fans our inner fire. When others feel and see our warm, glowing light emanating from our beings, it very well could spark something inside of them and perhaps they may start to improve their own state of being for the better. Thus, creating a ripple effect and helping to change the trajectory of our not so stable world into Heaven on Earth. Together we can create strong, healing frequencies and affect change that will not only benefit ourselves, but also our children, grandchildren and so on. It really is for the good of ALL that we take care of ourselves- body, mind, and soul. We must look out for the future for the generations to come and teach them how to do this self-healing work too! Breathwork is a powerful way to open up, get into the flow of goodliness and Godliness, and activate ALL that is possible. Let's do this! Let us get together and breathe our beautiful intentions into the world!

Kindred Spirits

We also believe in giving so 10% of proceeds rotate to a few of the charities that are near and dear to our hearts. They are listed below. Thanks for your support!



